BrumFurs Official Disclosures Form
Why Is This Form Important?
Birmingham Furs is proud to represent the very best of the British Furry community, drawing in almost a hundred attendees per month. We believe that we have a responsibility to foster an atmosphere that is inclusive to all, ensuring that attendees with disabilities – or serious medical conditions - can confidently engage with our meets. Safe in the knowledge that staff are as informed as possible to deal with any issues that arise. By completing and returning this form you are giving the serving staff members of the Birmingham Furs Furmeets permission to share, in confidence and only amongst relevant individuals, details of your disclosure, in order to make informed decisions and reasonable adjustments.
Any disclosures are added to a securely stored, encrypted form. This form is accessible only to BrumFurs staff, via password, and will not be shared with external businesses for any reason. We reserve the right to discuss disclosures with the bar or professional medical staff when in the best interest of the attendee. However, any such sharing will be on a strictly need to know basis.
Who Can Assist You?
Recent changes in the Furmeet staffing team have seen us elect a Safeguarding Lead for our attendees, Noxaimora Emonwyer is the currently elected Safeguarding Lead – as well as the official Investigations Team Lead. They are able to handle any concerns attendees may have regarding inclusion or disputes that arise with other attendees. As of the last update [see the top of the form] ‘Nox’ is fully up to date with Government standard Safeguarding and Prevent training, as well holding an up to date Enhance Disclosures and Barring Check certificate.
Should you wish to make a disclosure, but not to Noxaimora – or have a complaint about this member of staff – you may contact any other member of staff via Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc. Other contact details, and a list of active staff, can be found on the Birmingham Furs website.
What Must I Do?
If you believe that you have any disabilities or medical conditions that the BrumFurs team should be made aware of please fill out the form in this link and return it to us at Alternatively, the form can be printed out and handed to an admin in person – who will then pass it on to Noxaimora Emonwyer – or, can be sent to an admin via a messaging service, such as Telegram.